Are Males and Females Different?

Gender quality means that we have equal opportunities, but it doesn’t mean we’re the same. Being different is good! Male and Females are born differently and have biological differences. One could say that men and female are different species.

Females are more relationship oriented meaning they have more receptive to emotions. For example, when they hold their newborn baby, the baby can’t talk to the mother needs to read body language and interpret the baby’s emotions. Females tend to see the connection between things meaning they’re aware of several things at once (multitasking). You often hear females say “Well, you know, this is why Richie didn’t take out the trash…”. Females have attention to detail. For example, when driving, females notice landmarks while the male has a good spatial orientation. Females are efficient in their tasks, I know my mom is efficient which has influenced me to also be efficient. Females are good communicators due to women having five times more white matter than males meaning that their connecting tissue of different parts of their brain connects different messages. Females are sensitive to sound. Water dripping drives women crazy. But sensitivity helps women read people’s emotions from a slight change of body language to a voice change. This makes women nurturers.
In addition to differences, men are generally more aggressive. This is not necessarily in a bad way.
Men are the protectors of their family by instinct and when something threatens that, you sure bet they’ll protect them. Furthermore, men are competitive, not only in sports but in order to provide for the family they have to be competitive in the job force. Studies show that men have twice more upper body strength than women do. This ties in to be a protector in the family, being in the military, or job that requires manual labor. Men focus on one task at a time. For example, at work, males focus on work and get the task done even if it may be stressful, but when they come home, they're the ability to leave work and the stress behind and focus on their family. On the other hand, since females are more emotional, they tend to bring the stress home with them. In conclusion, men are good at logic and logistics.
Men and women use different parts of their brain for the same topics. Males see more in three dimensional which is why their good at mental rotation, video games, architects, science, technology, engineering and math, motor skills, while women are good at other things involving intuitive thinking. Some examples are therapeutic counseling, genetic counselor, occupational therapist, health job, etc. Although men and women have these generic differences, it doesn’t mean women should have a right to be an engineer or architect because we can, and we can do an amazing job. All I’m saying is that men and females were created differently and that’s why we’re good at different things. America is a place for equal opportunity, and we should fight to maintain that.
There are always going to be exceptions to these differences, and just because people have the opposites genders characteristics, doesn’t mean they can’t excel in their roles. They can and do. 

Equality isn't about being the same, it's about having equal opportunities.


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