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Separation and Divorce

This is a topic that I am passionate about because I’ve seen it happen all around me especially with my family and friends parents. It is interesting to note that 70% of divorced people 2 years after the divorce say that could have and wished they saved their marriage and most likely could have with the proper help. Seventy percent is a number much higher number then I would have expected, but it makes sense when you don’t have the doctrine, mindset, and knowledge that members of the church of Jesus Christ have regarding the importance of marriage, family, the atonement of Jesus Christ and working together as a couple to heal wounds and make things better. Dallin H Oaks said “He therefore knows our struggles our heartaches our temptations and our suffering… And because of this, His atonement empowers Him to succor us to give us the strength to bear it all.” It’s also interesting to note that 70% of divorced men, remarry. In addition, divorced fathers who have children from the age 12-

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